Intelligent Debt Guidance Solutions

student loan api

Student • Credit Cards • Mortgage • Auto • Personal Loans

Embeddable enterprise solutions designed to turn debt blockers into business outcomes

Trusted by notable fintechs, lenders and consumer banks

First in class

Transforming debt guidance experiences

Deliver personalized guidance for debt repayment journeys, ensuring better outcomes for your customers, and a remarkable increase in customer engagement for you.

Payitoff provides low-code and no-code, intelligent debt guidance solutions for forward-thinking banks, lenders and financial wellness providers.

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Empower your customers with intelligent debt guidance to help them achieve the best outcomes, every time

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Link Debts

With 100% coverage, our proprietary approach to linking doesn't require the consumer to know their credentials.

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Explore Guidance

Our intelligent guidance returns the best next step for customers, based on their personal context

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Make Moves

With just a few clicks, customers perform actions in-app, designed to save thousands on their repayment term

Tie customer outcomes to your financial success roadmap

Customers save on their debt, while you amplify your business success outcomes

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Get real-time, reliable access to live debt accounts without worrying about stale connections

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Pull 95% of all consumer debts without credentials using our proprietary linking approach, leading to higher conversion in every flow

no code debt consolidation


Use our no-code solution for an ultra-light engineering lift. See an example in action to test it out

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Configure our white-label solutions with your brand colors for a seamless user experience

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Free up an average of $323* / month so customers can save, invest and build wealth over time

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Our customer success team is dedicated to making sure you amplify your business success outcomes

*Represents actual average savings of borrowers who linked their account with Payitoff and qualified for a federal repayment plan. The sample is based on an aggregated set of data representing over $1.5 billion in loan volume across 215,000+ loans on the Payitoff platform

Keep up with the latest in intelligent debt guidance solutions